30 Things I want to do now I’m 30

I cannot pretend that I face and regard my 30th birthday today with unfettered glee, but as a man wiser than me once said: ‘if you can’t stop it, enjoy it.” So in the spirit of looking forward and not back here are some things I want to do in the next three decades. These aren’t targets, or forecasts, but aspirations and some are more attainable than others. (Yes, I know this a complete act of vanity, but please crave my indulgence.)

In no particular order of priority:

1) I have been rattling on about writing a novel for years. My desk drawers are full of scribblings, notes, snippets of dialogue, synopses and even some hefty chunks. Just get on with it Wilson!

2) Take more satisfaction from my professional achievements.

3) Learn Italian.

4) See and speak to my family more. They’re great and the older I get, the more I appreciate them.

5) Be a better friend to the clutch of people I truly adore and unconditionally celebrate the ones who nourish and put up with me. You know who you are.

6) Spend more time with my politics. I am a political animal and it’s one of the great passions in my life. This essentially means that I want to be more active in the Labour party and stand for election for something. I’d love to serve as an MP for at least one Parliament. There is not greater calling than public service. And apparently the pension’s awfully good. But I’ll settle for the council. (I think this one also means a bit more old-fashioned activism: you can’t beat a good march or demo… maybe even a spot of direct action. We’ll see.)

7) If politics is one great passion, then Doctor Who is another. I’d like to add to the Doctor Who canon. Maybe a book, or an episode or something: I’d just like to be part of it.

8) This one is absurd. But I really want to win an Oscar. I always have, ever since I was a kid. I guess, given my particular skills, that this won’t be for Best Actor.

9) Rebuild the bridges I have so comprehensively burnt in the last few months with someone I care very deeply for.

10) Actually get it right, just once, with a love affair. (This feels more tricky than the Oscar.)

11) Drive a steam train. Which boy doesn’t want to do this?

12) Take a turn on Desert Island Discs. My eight records? Wait and see.

13) And while we’re on a Radio 4 vibe, I’d like to appear on the Today programme. More than once if possible.

14) Be more discerning about beer and pubs. I compromise too easily when it comes to having a pint. Beer is a brilliant thing: why settle for the mediocre? Oh, and join CAMRA.

15) Learn how to cook gravy properly.

16) Spend more time in the country and more time by the sea.

17) Be more of a geek. Learn about technology, computers and the how the things I use and talk about everyday work.

18) Broaden my musical horizons. There is more to life than Britpop and the Divine Comedy. It’s time to look to classical music, jazz (I really like jazz!) and even opera.

19) Go to gigs and concerts. I used to love music festivals and a good rowdy concert and now I hardly ever go. So my pledge here: more new bands, more new music and more over-priced beer from plastic pint glasses.

20) Dance more. I like dancing and have happy memories of grooving like a loon in the Basement, PavTav and Zenons in my heady days as an indie kid in Brighton. When I dance I’m enthusiastic rather than expert but that doesn’t really matter, ehh?

21) Learn the laws and terminology of cricket and stop pretending that I do know them.

22) Not be late so much. (Although my inner eBay Manager asks ‘How is this measurable?”)

23) Go back to school. My education continues every day, but my schooling has been a bit slow this past decade. It’s time to get on with that MA.

24) Travel round the world by land. I’ve got the route planned already and I think I can do it in less than 80 days. Across the Pacific from Japan to San Francisco aboard a cargo ship anyone?

25) Sing. I love singing. I’m quite good at singing. I want to sing more.

26) Visit New York, Egypt, St Petersburg, Venice and Pompeii.

27) This one is censored to spare my blushes.

28) This one is censored to spare someone else’s blushes.

29) This one is just not fit for public consumption.

30) This is one is secret. You’ve got to have secrets. (It’s also the best one.)

10 thoughts on “30 Things I want to do now I’m 30”

  1. re. #1 – NaNoWriMo? Will have you a race to 50k words if you want, seeing as I haven’t written a crap novel since 2002. Of course, it may be that you want to write something that someone else would actually want to read, in which case I believe it’s an awfully good way to get a first draft done.

    And Egypt is wonderful. Everyone should go there at least once.

  2. Very admirable list, I wish you luck with them. I can relate to at least half of these and did a similar one for my 40th birthday recently. I have already got going with (no20) dancing and (no19) see more live music but I’ve been drinking flat vodka and tonic not warm beer in plastic glasses. Happy Birthday.

  3. Well firstly congrats on reaching the ripe age of 30. I do like even numbers.

    As for your list, well I like them to – you can’t beat the smug satisfaction gained with crossing a line off a list. A case of job done.

    Whilst I can’t help you order beers in Italian at parliamentary meetings, I think I can help you with numbers 15, 19 & 21. The latter I’ll explain at the Arctic Monkey’s gig should you wish to have my spare ticket?

    PS – For gravy, it is all about the quality of the roasting oils…

  4. Cool list, thanks for sharing it. I am with you on #11, but I could go steam or no steam… I have driven and piloted a lot of different things, but not a train. Scott

  5. Great list. Thanks for sharing. Please accept my invitation to move to the US and run for office. We don’t have a Labour party but we do have Republicans. Not that you would need any extra help — but George and the boys have set a remarkably low barrier to entry. It’s only a matter of time (and modification to a few outdated laws) before we have a brilliant Brit on the national political stage. Just say yes to Wilson!

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  7. I’m pleased to give a quick progress report on one of my goals: I wasn’t half giving it arms to some indie classics on Friday night. ;O) Still got it on the dancefloor!

  8. Pingback: Top 15 Monday Morning Stars of the Week, October 29 | Auburn Images Photography by Scott Fillmer

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