Here’s some stuff I’ve been looking at online recently.
Vanity first. I was interviewed by Ina Steiner of Auctionbytes about vzaar, eBay and the like. Tamebay reviewed the updated version of Make Serious Money on eBay UK which is now available in all good bookshops, and WH Smiths. I also featured in the Q&A section of .net magazine (can’t find a link, but maybe I’ll scan the article some time and post it).
Find my Twitter Tweets here, and on the right hand side of this ‘blog. Sorry Ivan. I know I said I never would. Fellow twitterers: follow me!
You can address kiwi fruit in Italian to assuage your air miles guilt or get angsty about owning a car before driving down to the West Country to see what you’re destroying at the Eden Project. But if you want to be eat fish and ‘don’t believe in cod’, stay up to date with fish stocks (as in stock levels) and what’s best to buy from an ethical and environmental viewpoint, here: But there’s not much point if you’re still planning a budget airlines dirty weekend in Barcelona.
With credit audibly crunching all around, here’s how you can save cash (but probably not save the planet). See which of the major supermarkets is cheapest for your weekly online shop? Find out:
For my money, the man making most sense about eBay Feedback and the changes involving DSRs (Detailed Seller Ratings) is Scot Wingo of ChannelAdvisor on his eBay Strategies blog. Check out his articles here, here and here.
And just for fun. is a surprisingly effective use of the web for ‘public information’ purposes.
And really just for fun, I loved this:
*It’s a sentence. Admittedly a sentence with SEO in mind, but a sentence nonethless.