We’re very lucky in Brighton because some sort of happening is usually happening somewhere. And last Saturday we saw the second annual White Night shindig. Basically, it’s an all night arty thing to coincide with the clocks going back. Centred on Jubilee Square, there was music, drama and all kinds of amusement. And a few drinkies too.
I particularly liked one installation called Circa 69 Sinking Ship, which I’ve posted below. Based on the premise that people in 2069 have worked out how to send a television signal through a wormhole created by the Large Hedron Collider to us right now, it’s the future news. I looked really brilliant projected on a wall in black and white. It also made me laugh rather a lot.
Bring on White Night 2011!
wormhole transmission 24/10/09 from Simon Wilkinson on Vimeo.
Love that – excellent.