Citizen, Brightonian, writer, editor, author, reader, punner, eBay bore, infovore, Briton, Sussex man, plastic paddy, radical centrist, extreme moderate, atheist, secularist, totter, Whovian, Tintinologist, Blue Peter badge winner, LSE graduate, Old Etonian, European, remoaner, randomaniac, bad historian, raconteur, psychogeographer, flaneur, Shakespearean, reluctant Stratfordian, amateur pedant, natural blond, bibliophile, logophile, barfly. Harvey’s Best. Cords. Viva Espana! Read more »
But who took the picture ?
Erm… an alien.
I showed this to my missus last night and she just spluttered “yeah, of course” and looked at me as though I’d asked her the world’s stupidest question.
I think this is probably a good thing.
I’m behind the other door, looking ravishing in a policewoman’s uniform.