I walk down a street and the first thing I wonder is how the doors are numbered.
I haven’t taken a go on Facebook Scrabble for 4 days. I’ve skipped my beloved pub quiz several times and that NEVER happens.
Red garments are being worn more. Blue and green ones. Not so much.
My jacket pockets are full of elastic bands.
I asked a friend how her baby was. She told me. I told her that was great. I then praised Labour’s achievements including tax credits, Sure Start, childcare and maternity leave.
I have a special list called: To do after May 6th.
I have eschewed pizza for weeks because that will doubtless form a bulk of my diet in the last week.
My West Wing quotes per day rate has doubled. And doubled from quite a high base.
I have done just enough laundry to keep me going until polling day. Lucky boxers (and my “stripy socks of good fortune”) are ready and waiting for Thursday
I know the candidate’s show size.
I’m pleased to see your socks are wearing rosettes.