… been called a ‘Hoxton twat‘. I’m absolutely thrilled. It’s so wrong. I love it. Deep joy.
… featured on News 24 talking about the Guardian and Max Gogarty. My post on the subject is far and away the most read thing I’ve blogged about and set personal records for visitors and pages views in the 3 days after it was published. W00t.
… seen Vampire Weekend play (again). Twice. First at ULU (where the gig was somewhat marred by a fire alert) and then at Audio in Brighton. The Audio gig was definitely the best so far. Relaxed, confident and gloriously geeky, they hit the spot. We got new songs, charming banter and a very nice camaraderie with the crowd. It was an amazingly good gig and it only cost 7 earth pounds. With schoolgirlish anticipation, I can’t wait for the Great Escape festival in May and Vampire Weekend IV. Maybe I’ll see you there?
… bought a cushion. I repeat: I purchased soft furnishings. I’m also in perilous danger of bankrupting myself by being too excitable when it comes to picture framing. Still, those bare walls don’t cover themselves.
… become slightly worried that Boris Johnson might win the election for Mayor of London. Friends, I beseech you: Vote Labour.
… updated my eBay book to take in to account the recent, and enormously significant, site changes. It took me literally hours and hours to get through everything (fees and feedback etc) and then distil it into prose. I don’t know how eBay sellers manage when confronted with such an array of changes. More than once I found myself shaking my fist in the air and muttering, “Damn you eBay!”
Where on earth is the YouTube clip for this momentous televisual occasion? Don’t deny us this!
More than once I found myself shaking my fist in the air and muttering, “Damn you eBay!â€
Not as often as I have, believe me 😀
Congrats on the News 24 appearence – is it YouTubed or Vzaared or anything?
Ok. A screengrab isn’t enough for you both. But I’m pleased I’m sticking to one of my personal principles: always leave them wanting more.
“… become slightly worried that Boris Johnson might win the election for Mayor of London. Friends, I beseech you: Vote Labour.”
Should this come to pass, I have a vision of Jeremy Clarkson being voted in as Prime Minister shortly afterwards – we must mobilize against this peril
“Vote early. Vote often.”
Whither the beard?
The beard had a two week holiday and is now back. Mostly because I have no razor blades. But it may holiday again. I can’t decide.
Never mind the beard absence – did you brush your hair because you were going on the tellybox? In all the years I’ve known you I don’t think I’ve ever seen your barnet looking so tidy. Unless you find a clip I’ll be forced to vote for BoJo…
Ha. Actually, my hair was so messy that day (I forgot to brush it before I left home) that it was critical to rearrange it lest go on the tellybox with a bouffant BoJo style just-shagged look… rest assured that usual levels of barnet unkempedness have resumed.
“Ha. Actually, my hair was so messy that day (I forgot to brush it before I left home) that it was critical to rearrange it lest go on the tellybox with a bouffant BoJo style just-shagged look” – The lad doth protest too much, methinks!
You big poser. Still, I’m the tit quoting shakespeare smart arsery so can’t really complain!
Now stop being stubborn and get that clip on youtube and send us the link, you little scamp.
To other readers: Will and the Brigadier are both, shall we say, thinning rather. I can only ascribe their comments to jealousy. ;O)
*dons hat*
Can you? Can you really?
Fair enough.