Wow. I’ve had a busy few days pulling together the last few bits and bobs for Small Business 2.0 which was held yesterday in London. I had really great (if knackering) day chairing one of the streams, meeting loads of people who run small businesses, exhibitors and old friends. About 400 hundred small business folks took the time on a sunny Saturday to learn more about the web could do for them.
Some highlights for me (and bear in mind I only saw half of the sessions):
– Will Wynne from Arena Flowers talking about SEO (search engine optimisation). Will has effectively built his business on SEO and really laid out the basics.
– Tony Neate from Get Safe Online is a really powerful speaker. And, despite his protestations to the contrary, he sacred me witless: I’ve taken quite a lot of his safety advice onboard already.
– Catching up with Ivan Croxford from BT Tradespace in his inimitable ‘Have you read my blog?’ tshirt. If you haven’t read his blog, it’s here: The Fumoir.
– Meeting Alex Bellinger of SmallBizPod (I missed his session and he was apparently brilliant) and Emma Jones from Emma’s already blogged her impressions of the day.
– Having a few nourishing ales with the old eBay Uni crowd: you know who you are!
Over the next week or so I’ll be posting some of my takeaways from the day and we’ll also be publishing the presentations and audio recordings on the official website.
It was a really fab day – thanks to Dan and Matt and all the TCP people for your work.
Alex Bellinger was really inspirational, I thought. We’re making plans for a TB podcast now.
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Thanks for inviting me to speak in the first place Dan. Really enjoyed the day and meeting you and the other guys.
@Sue Thank you, glad you enjoyed it! Will keep an ear out for the TB podcast.
Due to too much work (and not enough income!) I couldn’t get to Small Business 2.0 *cries* Sounds like everyone had a productive and enjoyable day.
Small talk aside, I’d be interested in digesting some “5 hours a day on social media” crumbs you’d care to scatter my way :oD
Are you planning a Tamebay article or blog post about it?
(or a p2p chat over some liquid nourishment, if you haven’t moved far?)
Is it possible to hold it in mid UK next year? It was a fab day but good old Brum is in the middle and may be more accessible to many peeps.
Love these events, always learn a lot, love the people I meet and it always gives me a motivation boost too, hence more blog posts and comments to add to my ‘5 (hrs) a day’ quota of social media addiction.
Thanks Dan for a fantastic day 😉
DBL: we’re thinking very hard about next year. Birmingham is a good idea… but as you can imagine good, affordable venues are a key part of the decision making.
Might Manchester suit a bit better?